Malaria Must Die: A World Without Malaria


2050 could be the year we eradicate malaria…but only if we act in 2020.

Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, we were tasked with creating an innovative, headline grabbing idea that rallied public support and maintained pressure on governments to keep funding the fight.


Instead of focusing on the long journey ahead, we showed the destination. Using some nifty post-production, we aged David Beckham to deliver a message of hope from the future, reigniting the belief that humankind is capable of uniting to defeat diseases.

Role: ACD

Responsibilities: Originated idea and wrote film execution alongside James Greening. CD was Nick Moss. Due to Covid we were unable to attend shoot or post production.

An iconic image

At the core of this idea was a bold image aimed at getting the maximum amount of attention. It worked.


Allianz x IPC: Day 1 Done


Discovery+: Stream The Extreme